Facultad de Ciencia Política y RR.II. | Universidad Nacional de Rosario

Big Data in the Spotlight: echoes of an uncertain transition

Editores: Sandra Valdettaro

Autores: Mariana Patricia Busso, Irene Lis Gindin

Social science research is increasingly permeated by the use of big data in the construction of objects of study and their resulting theoretical-methodological approach. Now then, what senses are involved when addressing large amounts of data and what is their impact in the design of a new research project? This article proposes an answer to such questions by explaining the main problems in relation to social science research on objects of study that entail the use of big data. In addition, some considerations are shared with respect to the updated discussions on objectivity and truth which come into play with the use of said materials, with emphasis on aspects that are considered inescapable, such as those associated with the very generation of such data. Finally, the main dilemmas derived from said materials’ safekeeping and retention are presented, implying new decisions in relation to the management of digital files.

Gindin, I. y Busso, M. (2021). Big Data in the Spotlight: echoes of an uncertain transition. En S. Valdettaro (ed.), Mediatization(s) Studies. CIM 10th Anniversary, pp. 430-446. Rosario: UNR Editora, ISBN 978-987-702-499-9. 

On-line: https://cim.unr.edu.ar/publicaciones/1/libros/166/-mediatization-s--studies-cim-10th-anniversary