Facultad de Ciencia Política y RR.II. | Universidad Nacional de Rosario

Mediatization(s) Studies. CIM 10th Anniversary

Editores: Sandra Valdettaro

Autores: Mariana Patricia Busso, Ricardo Diviani, Sandra Valdettaro, José Luis Fernández, Irene Lis Gindin, Gastón Cingolani, Mariano Fernández, Antonio Fausto Neto, Carlos A. Scolari, Paolo Granata, Ximena Tobi, Lucrecia Escudero Chauvel, Joan Ramon Rodriguez-Amat

Autores externos al CIM: Guillermo Olivera, Stefanie Averbeck-Lietz, Erik Koenen, Ana Slimovich, Pablo Porto López, Massimo Leone

This book is dedicated to the commemoration of CIM´s 10th anniversary and is the result of the articulation of several researches by CIM´s members and other colleagues from different international academic institutions with important contributions in Mediatization(s) Studies.
The purpose is to intensify a transnational academic conversation to contribute to consolidate this field of study that, being still new, already has
a rich and important history. (...) Mediatization as a social, cultural and perceptual environment, whose weightiness is central in current societies, requires interdisciplinary and multiple approaches. Assuming the significant presence of this term in academic discourse, we are faced with the risk of turning it into a fuzzy notion. That is why this book proposes argued analytical perspectives that duly mark its semantic boundaries in the context of what is perceived as a blurred unlimited semiosis.

Download link: https://bit.ly/3F2Stcx

Rosario : UNR Editora, 2021.
Libro digital, PDF
ISBN 978-987-702-499-9