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  • Accumulative trust on Amazon Online Reviews: a case study of triangulated methodologies in Behavioural Neurophysiology applied to the Marketing field

Accumulative trust on Amazon Online Reviews: a case study of triangulated methodologies in Behavioural Neurophysiology applied to the Marketing field

Autores: Dr Paula Almiron

Autores externos al CIM: Andreas Ray, Gustavo Niklander Ribera, Ander Ramos-Murguialday

In this paper, it is purposed that Neuromarketing could increase its discipline stability through triangulated methodologies, especially in multidisciplinary teams. Since learning and interactions are embodied and environmental, Social Sciences, and Anthropology could play a central role to avoid cultural biases and errors. Considering not only demographics differences, but in consumptions such as media, culture, and in customs, traditions and cosmovisions contribute to recruiting better samples, more homogeneous and replicable. An experimental design, which has been developed with methodologies from Communication, Neuroeconomics, Psychology, Sociology, and a projected second phase from a Brain-Computer Interface perspective, is referred to as a case. In the mentioned research, an aleatory selection of Amazon.com 1996-2014 reviews under the categories of ‘Books’, ‘Clothing and accessories’ and ‘Electronics’ was implemented to assess the accumulation of evidence to trust, and the willingness to purchase a product online. Questionnaires measuring, demographics, online behaviour, and tests on impulsivity, economic behaviour (regarding risk and trust) and interpersonal trust were conducted. The results were triangulated with the Electroencephalography, Electrooculogram, Electrocardiogram, and Electromyography data of the subjects. The contribution of this study is to expand our understanding of how triangulated methodologies contribute to design more robust Neuromarketing experiments.